Winning is about more than just pushing through intensity. That’s our POV. So, for our Soft Wins campaign, we worked together with 3 ½ year-old Elmo – a character synonymous with an innate kindness and a positive outlook – encouraging runners to consider that a softer, more balanced approach can be a strong approach too. Soft Wins celebrates that personal victories can be found in many ways – from individual milestones to connecting with friends and community. The campaign ties directly to the launch of the Cloudsurfer 2, one of On’s softest-ever running shoes.
Feeling this softer message was missing in run culture, our team wanted to bring this concept to life far and wide. Hear more from them below about the work and creativity behind Soft Wins.
What about this partner do you feel helps us tell the story about Soft Wins? What was the conversation like when you first thought about bringing in this partner?
Greg White, Senior Director of Brand Strategy:
With Soft Wins, we wanted to get across a very important fact we felt was being lost in run culture. Yes, training hard, putting in the effort, and pushing yourself are all important. But the softer side of things – connecting with friends, building community, taking care of your mind and body, even things like rest days – these all matter too. And they matter to not just your everyday runner, but elite athletes who know if they push themselves too hard all of the time, they won't reach their goals. Our latest innovation, the Cloudsurfer 2, also happens to be incredibly soft. When we were looking for a partner to bring this to life, we needed a cultural icon synonymous with soft. Someone who could post on social media asking, "How is everyone doing?" – and get people to be real and honest. Elmo also happens to be physically soft too, which helps.
Morag Bruce, Senior Director of Brand Communications:
It was the ultimate ‘what if…’ moment – so joyful. The question, " Could we do this?" was answered pretty quickly with: "We have to do this." Every time we shared the idea, we saw the same ‘wow’ expression, and we knew we had something that was going to connect across generations, in run culture and beyond. And, I’ve never been on a happier production set! Smiles everywhere. But why Elmo? There’s a lot of rhetoric that says being a good runner means being tough on yourself, going faster, for longer, or hurting, sweating, suffering. Pushing yourself and striving to achieve goals are key to performance, but the most-successful elite runners (like Olympian and friend of Elmo, Yared Nuguse) will say rest and self-care are just as important. With his curiosity and optimism, no-one is better placed to deliver this message than Elmo. His open-minded exploration of what Soft Wins means gives us all permission to ask questions and think differently, too.
For me, soft is remembering that if I want to achieve a goal, the path isn't always a straight line. It's not giving 120% flat out every day. Sometimes it means taking a rest day or spending time with friends so that when I go back to the training or project, I'm refreshed and ready to push myself again. I think that's true in both running and life. – Greg

Why did we feel Soft Wins was the right concept for the running community? What are we trying to achieve with its narrative and bring to runners?
Olivier van den Bent-Kelly, Brand Strategy Lead:
Running should be one of the easiest sports in the world to pick up and start doing. But so many runners are faced with external voices telling them that to succeed they need to be tough, to be hard, to grind. Rather than making running feel open, it suddenly makes it feel so complex and intimidating.
We believe that runners should be able to feel themselves as they move, and it’s important they see ’winning’ in a new way. We say be soft, be open, be gentle – that’s the way you win. Soft Wins felt like the perfect inspiration for runners on how they approach their sport, whether a beginner or a pro.
"Soft for me means a number of things, especially with running. It’s about making time to have runs and moments of movement with others - an easy run with my girlfriend, a scenic route around London with my friends, ensuring my teammates and I hold each other accountable by showing up for our Strength and Conditioning sessions. It’s making space for that connection and turning those moments into fun shared experiences." - Olivier
How does this brand media plan differ from any brand media plans On's planned in the past? How have you leveraged different environments and channels to showcase our new partner and product to runners?
Finn Roantree, Lead Brand Media Planner:
This campaign represents a major evolution in On’s media approach in new environments and at an unprecedented scale. While On has built strong brand moments in the past, this is our most high-profile, multi-phased, and integrated campaign to date, leveraging TV to Digital, OOH and more in a way we haven’t before.

The first major shift is our first-ever Super Bowl TV ad, placed in a few key US cities, marking On’s entry into TV advertising and the biggest media placement in our history. This brand-led moment, made possible through TV’s unmatched reach, introduced Elmo on a global stage. Using humor to address the misunderstanding of our logo, we could create a cultural conversation starter.
Following this launch, we transition into the globally activated, run-focused phase of the campaign, where alongside Elmo, we introduce the Cloudsurfer 2 – one of our softest shoes to date.
What sets this media plan apart is its fully integrated, phased rollout across diverse environments. By combining cultural scale, precision targeting, and multi-channel storytelling, this plan builds on On’s previous successes while elevating our brand presence and product engagement to new heights.
What are you most excited about building this brand initiative? How many teams are involved in bringing a project like Soft Wins to life?
Julia Jaehne, Marketing Campaigns Everyday Running Lead and Mariona Berenguer, Marketing Campaigns Everyday Running Senior Specialist:
We’re excited to finally share what’s been cooking behind closed doors with the world. Soft Wins is more than just a marketing initiative – it’s a mindset that deeply resonates with us. Collaborating with our main protagonist, Elmo, has been eye-opening in so many ways. His presence brought teams together, sparked joy in even the most stressful moments, and reminded us all to embrace the idea that we “don’t have to be so hard on ourselves.” Working on a campaign with such a meaningful message is a powerful reminder that kindness – whether in running or in life – truly wins. Sharing this mindset with the incredible teams behind the campaign has been especially rewarding.
This campaign has been a true team effort. From product, strategy, campaigns, art direction, graphic design, and production, to copy, brand experience, PR, events, retail, social, influencers, DTC digital, asset management, and the studio team, everyone has played a vital role. Critical functions like legal, finance, procurement, and of course regional marketing teams have also worked tirelessly to bring this campaign to life in record time. It’s been a wild ride, but it’s a testament to what can be accomplished when we come together as one team.
How did you land on the visual identity to bring "soft" to life? What were some of your sources of inspiration?
Matt Tucker, Head of Art Direction and Davy Renaud, Art Director Lead:
It's a big campaign with many elements, so it's hard to sum up. On a product level, we focused on textures like foam, pillows, and fur to communicate softness and materialize the unique running feel of our CloudTec Phase® technology. On a human level, we contrasted the usual focus on results and competitiveness in sports by celebrating connection and shared moments in running culture. The art direction is positive and energetic, with slightly messy compositions to capture authentic moments. Elmo’s playful essence perfectly link these elements together, embodying both the product's softness and the human side of the campaign.

"Soft means kindness, ease, and being open to yourself and others. It’s about embracing progress over perfection, finding joy in the small wins, and seeing strength in being gentle, whether in running or life. " – Davy
As producers, how do you keep the team's vision on track considering the complexities of the campaign? Can you share some of your favorite moments on producing Soft Wins?
Jaime Tan, Head of Production and Zsófi Nemes, Studio Producer:
On a campaign like Soft Wins where we're working with so many external collaborators and stakeholders, being a true team and a unified internal unit has been absolutely key. In challenging moments, we had to make sure we were all communicating and problem-solving together. If something wasn't working creatively, we made sure to be honest, forthcoming and agile as a team to figure out a solution as fast as possible in light of pressing timelines.
A favorite moment would have to be seeing Elmo interacting with his surroundings off-camera during the shoot. Beyond his excellent performance, he brought so much joy to the set with spontaneous comments and humorous outbursts. We really struggled to keep ourselves from laughing behind the camera and ruining a take!
I truly believe that to be soft means to be strong at the same time. Maybe not in the same sense, but I've found that moments of gentleness, kindness and forgiveness towards oneself and others take a lot of resilience and strength at the same time. To be soft is to embrace everything that comes your way with curiosity and without judgment. That takes a lot of inner strength! – Zsófi

How did you coordinate with the apparel product team to bring the cohesive vision to life head to toe?
Zakia Ali, Stylist:
Building a cohesive head-to-toe look involves collaboration across multiple departments, including apparel, footwear, and accessories. This is a key part of my role. The vision begins when we kick off the season with the lookbook, where key looks are selected and paired with the right footwear and accessories that align with launch dates, price points, and overall aesthetics.
Flexibility is essential when it comes to adapting looks, so I always prepare for potential changes in advance. I work closely with the merchandising team to explore options for replacing or adding items if necessary. Once we’ve brainstormed solutions, I consult with Design and the campaign team to ensure everything is aligned before the shoot, making sure the final result is a cohesive and well-executed head-to-toe look.
How did you and your team create and unite different touchpoints to bring the Soft Wins full experience to our community/customers?
Ludovic Wolff, Digital Product Manager:
Honestly, it’s been such a team effort – an amalgamation of ideas and a whole lot of communication! But at its core, it’s rooted in putting ourselves in our customers’ shoes. Who are the users landing on these pages? What is their intent, their journey, and the goal of each page? By asking these questions, we ensure there’s a red thread – or in this case, maybe a fur – that ties the entire experience together.
Kaylyn Buckley, Digital Campaigns Senior Lead:
We trusted each other and the process. This has been super collaborative from the start, relying on the expertise of each channel manager to interpret what Soft Wins meant for their platform and how to land this as clearly as possible, while also connecting back to the bigger picture. It was complete teamwork at its best.
Soft means pleasant and joyful. It’s the opposite of cortisol-inducing hardness. It’s slowing down, breathing, smiling, finding ease – in running and in life! - Kaylyn
What were the different factors you considered for when designing the user experience for this campaign?
Michael Zimmermann, UX/UI Design Lead and Kaique Amorim, UX/UI Designer:
We design with the visitor top-of-mind, making sure we make a campaign easy to find and then let the content do the talking. It's important to understand our audience as well, some users love to watch a video, and others want to read what it's all about. That tightrope of targeting an audience without alienating another is a fun balancing act that we enjoy.

For Soft Wins, it was essential to highlight just how soft a material – or a running experience – can be. And so, we made our CGI videos and images the visual centerpiece, with the user interface minimal and intuitive, keeping the experience seamless and distraction-free.
We also wanted to connect with our running community in a fresh way. For the first time, we’re showcasing our partners’ content in a reel format, for a more organic and accessible feel. Additionally, we created a dedicated educational page, guiding everyday runners through the importance of rest and recovery – or even chats with professional athletes for expert insights.

What goes into translating an idea, in this case, the concept of "soft" into something tangible that tells the story in our spaces?
Philipp Schenk-Mischke, Trade Campaign Design Senior Specialist and Willem Tauveron, Visual Experience Intern:
We approach our projects with the goal of transforming abstract attributes and emotions into tangible, immersive experiences. Our aim is to create environments that not only showcase the product but also bring its core qualities to life – spaces that visually and physically communicate its features while immersing visitors in the world of the marketing campaign.
For Soft Wins, we played with sensory contrasts to challenge expectations and create a bold, impactful installation. By introducing unexpected materials – like super-soft neon green faux fur – we wanted to do more than represent softness; we wanted people to feel it before they even interacted with the product. We envisioned an experience where visitors would instinctively reach out to touch, even hug, the walls. This led us to ask: What does the softest possible in-store experience look like? And how can we integrate it into On’s typically sleek, clean aesthetic? The result was an environment that feels as if it has been taken over by an unexpected, almost living softness.
Beyond the physical installation, the Soft Wins campaign creates an emotional connection by exploring softness from multiple perspectives. The experience starts long before someone actually tries on the shoe. So just as the product provides a soft, cushioned ride, the campaign installations amplify that sensation by immersing users in a world designed to spark their imagination.
How do we get the community physically involved with Soft Wins? Can you tell us about Soft Run Saturdays and what excites you the most or what you think will be most impactful?
Ellie-May Brooks, Global Running, Outdoor and Young Movers Marketing Campaigns Senior Lead:
Every Saturday from the campaign launch through to seasonal moments, such as major marathons, we’ll be hosting Soft Run Saturdays. SRSs are an opportunity to invite runners to embrace the softer side of running. The initiative offers a sexy pace run (that is, a run at a slower pace, which can improve endurance and cardiovascular health), with a different experience and stop along the way – this could be a warm latte at a cafe, picking flowers at a boutique shop or a soft bao bun from a local eatery.
I'm most excited to see the first/last celebratory events, with the fun medal ceremonies at the end where runners will be given edible medals, custom-made by a local bakery. A sweet, sustainable, soft & light-hearted way to celebrate their achievements.
What is the team aiming to showcase within the running community through the soft wins concept, specifically in performance-driven moments?
Jennifer Caodaglio, Global Events Lead:
Through the Soft Wins concept, we want to showcase an authentic, inclusive approach to performance within the running community. The Soft Wins concept emphasizes personal victories, whether it's achieving a personal best, or simply participating in the race. By highlighting these small, personal achievements, we’re looking to foster a deeper emotional connection with runners, moving the focus from just elite performance to a more inclusive experience of personal growth.

How did we find the right people to help us tell the Soft Wins story?
Tereza Vincalek, Influencer Marketing & Partnerships Senior Lead; Nadine Streess, Influencer Marketing & Partnerships Lead; Niel Lee, Influencer Marketing & Partnerships Senior Specialist:
As the global influencer team, we work with long-term partners throughout the year who can bring our campaigns and stories to life in their own words and who have a genuine love for our products. For this specific campaign, we are choosing partners that challenge the status quo of the performance running industry, people that can deconstruct a specific archetype – in running or society as a whole, which has been ruled by a clear message of "winning is everything” or “being hard to be someone".
With our partners we want to show an authentic angle and support the key story of how to start being soft and kind to yourself, that winning has so many individual faces and how a sustainably healthy, soft approach on our body and mind can affect overall health (mental and physical). Our content will be about support, community and emotional storytelling of people who use running as a way to grow, evolve and reflect. This is all while shining a light on the Cloudsurfer 2, which is the perfect product to support the Soft Runs.
What is the runway like for the social team to take a campaign idea and make it unique to your platforms? What is the ideation like on a large-scale campaign like this?
Josh Morris, Social Media Content Lead:
Our social media campaign development is highly collaborative so we can ensure there's a consistent and impactful brand story communicated across all platforms. That means meticulously tailoring the content to suit the specific nuances and audience of each platform. While the social team takes ownership of each respective platform, we're working to stay closely aligned with the broader campaign objectives to maintain a unified message everywhere we show up.

For the Soft Wins campaign, the primary challenge was to visually convey the concept of "softness" through the limited canvas of mobile screens. To achieve this, we collaborated closely with our internal Art Direction teams and individual content creators to develop innovative visual metaphors that effectively captured the essence of softness. One of our favorite examples is the depiction of a Cloudsurfer 2 shoe compressed within a bag, visually representing the shoe's breathable upper. Throughout the campaign, you'll see those recurring visual elements to reinforce the softness of our the product and its technology.

How does the concept of “soft” tell the story of the Cloudsurfer 2?
Zoé Gerdil, Product Manager:
When creating Cloudsurfer 2 and looking into the legacy of On's daily trainer, we focused on refining the model and meeting the needs of the modern everyday runner. The goal was to improve and showcase the cushioning and smooth ride sensation that is so specific to the Cloudsurfer franchise and truly driven by the seamless heel-to-toe transition enabled by CloudTec Phase®. We wanted to offer the everyday athlete, someone who is looking for an easy running experience, a shoe that looks comfortable and feels smooth, plush and ultimately soft. The ambition with Cloudsurfer 2, just like it was with its predecessor, is to make running an enjoyable and motivating moment where you don't have to think about discomfort or your gear and where each step feels effortless.
How do you prepare for a successful campaign, making sure the right stock is in place to deliver on an increase in orders?
Noémie Käch, Product Lifecycle Senior Specialist:
Having the right stock at the right time is essential for every campaign to be successful. This can be particularly challenging when demand is unpredictable, especially when it increases unexpectedly shortly before a launch. As part of our pre-launch meetings, we continuously review all items being launched. Products associated with large and important campaigns are prioritized and given increased attention.
Our supply chain team works diligently to guarantee timely stock availability, even when facing tight deadlines. We closely monitor sales orders and forecasts, allowing us to anticipate and address potential demand increases proactively. When we notice changes in demand or anticipate potential stock shortages, we embrace agility and flexibility. This could involve increasing production, adjusting delivery modes for faster shipping, or leveraging reroutes from various warehouses. Successfully launching these campaigns requires seamless collaboration and communication between different teams within the supply chain. By staying informed about demand fluctuations and responding proactively, we ensure that essential products are available to support important campaigns.
Our collaborative approach and communication across different functions help to ensure a seamless and efficient process. This close collaboration enables us to adapt swiftly to challenges, ensuring a smooth and successful campaign execution.