Welcome to Legal

We’re the experts protecting On behind the scenes. We’re empowered to act ethically and innovatively to make sure we – and our partners – play by the rules.

Meet the Team

Our main focus is compliance, but we cover it all. Together we handle every challenge thrown our way. And with our rapid growth, there’s plenty of them.

From IPO to employment contracts and beyond, we’re the legal guardians of our brand, striving towards a sustainable and (of course) compliant future.

Welcome to Legal

We’re a diverse bunch:

Swiss, Ghanaian, Romanian, Polish, and German to name a few.

We love getting out into nature

you can find us socializing in beautiful forests or around nearby Swiss lakes.

Working on IP protection

means we get to see every new product the Oniverse has to offer. We know all the secrets.

Lady smiling


Legal Counsel, Zurich

We are always rooting for each other. When celebrating our successes, we make sure to spend some extra time with one another outside the offices, whether it be for a run, a workout session or after work drinks.



People walking down a street in Yokohama.

Because we work so closely with so many other teams, we’re invested in every one – and the community we share. Legal is a place where we can really make a positive impact. And it all happens through teamwork.

Learn about our Spirits