Welcome to Operations

We’re the last crucial link in On’s supply chain, ensuring our every piece of kit gets where it needs to go.

A woman smiling towards the camera holding her laptop

Meet the Team

Once On products land in our regional warehouses, Operations jumps into action to get them shipped out on-time and in-full.

While we’re independent units, we meet as one team every six months to reflect, recognize wins, re-energize and have fun together.

Woman and man sat on concrete steps looking at each other as the man is pointing towards the top of the steps
Man walking up a spiral concrete staircase in the Head Quarters of On Running

Welcome to Operations

We’re a small team spread over four cities

and four countries – so staying connected is key. You’ll find us in Zurich, Berlin, Southampton and Contern.

Looking for number nerds?

You’ve found them. We’ll discuss and debate On’s business stats ‘til the cows come home. We’re always looking to improve our processes.

We went sledding in the Swiss Alps on a recent team-building fun day

definitely a new experience for some of our international team members.

Man in checked shirt


Operations, Zurich

First: make it work. Then: make it beautiful. We’re huge believers in the process of trial and error and we never over-engineer. If we fail, we fail fast and make quick decisions to move ahead.



Woman laughing playing ping pong

We’re constantly experimenting with new ways to deliver (literally), challenging operational norms to see how we can do it better. Who wants to be normal, anyway?

Learn about our Spirits

Join us

Director of Operations, APAC



Head of Commercial, Southeast Asia (Distributors)

